Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friday round up.

I drove to all the way to the end of the earth on Friday, well Elsternwick , to source some fabric. 

    I've stuck the swatches above my large WORK sign to remind me of what I'm suppose to be doing.

I found some beautiful silk georgette for the big girls cocktail frocks, and floral cotton  for the little girls.

 OOh, la la!

I'm inspired.


  1. I was going to 'like' this post - but I guess I was confusing it with FB.
    I noticed a great 'retro' fabrics shop in High Street Westgarth the other day. I've been meaning to go back some time when I've got a moment to myself... It's in the strip with all the other cute little 'Yarraville' type shops.

  2. Thanks Jillko, I will go and check it out. I love it there.
